Hand-printed books of poetry,
Plus tips and supplies for fellow letterpress printers.

Vintage letterpress 'display' type faces

Sorts Service

Out of sorts? For a small fee, you can borrow type from us. In addition to the faces listed below (and right), many many more are now held. Send us an email and tell us what you're after.

You must be in the UK and either a previous customer or a member of the British Printing Society (or LEG). There's a £3 deposit (for a maximum of 20 sorts), then a charge of 26p per letter up to 14 point size, and 36p per letter for sizes above that (no wood-letter). You can keep them for up to 60 days and the deposit will be refunded when you return them to us (see stipulations).

Stipulations: Sorts are provided on the clear understanding that they will not, repeat not, be used for foil blocking. You will lose your deposit if (a) you batter or lose the sort and fail to replace it, or (b) you fail to return it within 60 consecutive days.

Some of our typefaces:

Abbey Text:  18pt
Acorn Outline Titling:  10pt
Adonis Extended:  6pt
Albertus:  18pt
Baskerville Bold:  12pt
Baskerville Italic:  12pt
Bell Italic:  8, 10, 11, 14, 18, 24, 36pt
Bell Roman:  8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 24, 30pt
Bell Roman:  Small Caps 10pt
Bembo:  10, 12, 14, 18, 30pt
Bembo Bold:  12, 18, 24pt
Bembo Italic:  10, 11, 14, 30pt
Bembo Small Caps:  10pt
Bembo (Fairbanks) Narrow Italic:  18pt
Blado Italic:  16, 24pt
Bodoni:  8, 10, 18pt
Bodoni Bold:  24, 36pt
Bodoni Bold Condensed:  18, 24pt
Bodoni Bold Italic:  12pt
Bodoni Heavy:  18pt
Bodoni Italic:  8pt
Bodoni Ultra Bold:  14, 30pt
Bodoni Ultra Bold:  Italic 14pt
Bodoni Ultra Italic:  18pt (Caps)
Bodoni Ultra Italic:  12pt (Lowercase)
Bold Face Outline:  18, 24pt (Caps)
Bold Face (Series 53):  11pt
Bold Latin Condensed:  10pt
Broadway:  14, 18pt
Broadway Engraved (Series M307):  14, 18pt
Canterbury:  8, 10, 12pt
Clarendon:  24, 36pt
Clarendon Bold:  6pt
Clarendon Bold:  8pt (Caps)
Colonna:  18pt
Condensed Sans Serifs No 7:  14pt, 18pt
Consort Light Condensed:  18pt
Cooper Black:  36pt
Coronation:  18pt
Directory Sans (Bell Telephone Co):  8pt
Directory Sans (Bell Telephone Co):  Bold 8pt
Elongated Roman:  18, 24pt
Elongated Roman Shaded:  30pt (Caps)
Elysian Outline:  18pt
Embassy Script:  14pt
Engravers Shaded:  6, 12, 18pt
Engravers Titling:  (Large Face) 18, 24pt
Engravers Titling:  (Small Face) 18, 24pt
Engravers Titling:  6, 12pt
Expanded Egyptian:  10, 36pt
Fashion Script:  18pt
Festival Text:  30pt
Frys Baskerville:  24, 30, 36, 48, 60, 72pt
Frys Ornamented:  30pt
Garamond Bold:  10pt
Garamond Bold Italic:  (?)
Gill Bold:  36pt (Figures)
Gill Sans:  6, 8, 10pt
Gill Sans Bold:  6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 48pt
Gill Sans Bold:  30pt (Caps)
Gill Sans Extra Bold:  8, 10, 12pt
Gill Sans Extra Condensed:  14, 18pt
Gill Sans Italic:  6, 8, 10, 12, 14pt
Gill Sans Light:  8, 10, 14, 24pt
Gill Sans Bold Italic:  18pt
Gill Sans Bold Condensed:  6, 12, 14pt
Gill Sans Shaded:  24
Gill Sans Shadow:  36pt
Gill Sans Titling No 4:  6pt?
Gloucester Bold:  6, 18 pt
Grot 150?:  8, 9, 10pt
Grot 150:  12pt (Caps?)
Grot 150:  18pt
Grot 215:  8, 9pt
Grot 216:  8pt
Grot 9:  30pt
Heavy Script (Series 322):  14pt
Hebrew (Enquire)
Imperial Script:  12pt
Imprint Shadow:  14, 18pt
Imprint Shadow:  24pt (Caps)
Ionic:  5, 8pt
Karnac:  30pt
Kino:  18pt
Latin Antique:  6pt
Latin Bold Condensed:  6, 8, 10pt
Ligh English Text:  8, 10, 12pt
Mercury:  14, 30pt
Modern:  11pt
Modern No 17:  12pt
Modern No 12(?):  Italic 6pt
Modern No 20:  11, 14, 24, 30pt
Modern No 7:  8, 10pt
Modern No 7:  Italic 6, 8, 10, 12pt
Modernistic:  18, 24pt
Old Face Open Titling:  18pt
Old Style:  6pt
Old Style Bold:  6pt
Palace Script:  14, 18, 24pt
Perpetua Italic:  18pt
Placard:  18, 24pt
Plantin:  6, 8, 10pt
Plantin Bold Italic:  14pt
Plantin Italic:  6, 14, 18, 24pt
Plate Gothic (No. 1):  6pt
Plate Gothic (No. 2):  6pt
Plate Gothic (No. 3):  18pt
Playbill:  18pt
Pullman Titling:  10pt
Rockwell Bold:  24pt
Rockwell Light:  6pt
Rockwell Shadow:  18, 24, 36pt
Romulus Italic:  22pt
Sans Serifs Shaded:  14pt
Saxon Black:  18pt
Society Script:  12pt
Spartan Bold:  18pt
Spartan Heavy:  18pt
Studio:  18, 30pt
Studio Medium:  12pt
Text Old Founders:  12pt
Times Accents:  (Enquire)
Times Bold:  14, 18pt (Caps)
Times Bold:  6, 8, 24, 26, 48pt
Times Bold Italic:  48 pt
Times Italic:  6, 8, 10, 12, 14pt
Times Italic Accents:  14pt
Times Roman:  6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24pt
Times Small Caps:  6, 8, 10, 12pt
Typewriter:  12pt
Union Pearl:  22pt
Univers Bold Extended:  8 pt
Venus Extended:  36pt
Vogue:  14, 18, 24pt
Washington Text:  8pt
Windsor:  8, 10, 12pt
Windsor Bold:  8, 10pt
Windsor Bold Condensed:  24, 30pt

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